
Clear Mist Filter Set

Camera • Filters

Item available for renting only.

The Cavision 4 x 5.65" Soft Mist Clear Filter is a diffusion filter that is used for portraiture that requires a stronger effect than the Cavision Soft Mist Black filter. It lowers contrast by lightening the shadows and creating more highlight flare. This filter will add more of a "glow" to your image. This filter should be used when you want a more defined and deliberately diffused look. Depending on the strength of the filter chosen, your photos may take on a certain classical Hollywood appearance. The Soft Mist Clear can cover simple blemishes while also adding more of a dreamy, ethereal quality to your photo. Cavision offers the Soft Mist Clear filter in several grades to accommodate your shooting needs.

1/8 - 1/4 - 1/2


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